
We aim to make sure that everyone has access to mental health support, whoever they are, whatever their race, gender or beliefs and to do all we can to make sure they have the chance of holistic, ongoing and consistent support for as long as they need it. Everyone deserves to lead a full and great life and we give the opportunity to find out how!

Hear from some of our participants

Annual Impact Reports

Access our full reports over the last 4 years.

People’s Stories

Stories told from the people who we help, in their own words. 

Reaching Out

Our work extends beyond our programmes and into the community where we run regular events and meet-ups.

Get Involved

Whether you’re looking to enroll, volunteer, donate, partner with us or share your experiences. We’d love to hear from you.


50% of referrals join one or more of our courses

44% of attendees have remained part of the Adullam community



60% of Job Preparation Course participants find employment

Annual Reports

Please see below our annual impact reports available for download

2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022


Real Stories

Alongside our annual reports, we wanted to tell the real stories of how Adullam has helped our participants and how in turn that has positively affected their lives, what we do and the impact of Adullam on the wider community.

We’ll be adding more unedited stories from participants in the hope that it inspires and encourages others to join us on their journey.
Simply click a person to read their story or for more click here.

Stories of Drug Abuse & Recovery

“I started experimenting with different substances- alcohol, cannabis and solvents….”

…”Its through God’s grace and God’s grace alone that I am now 2 years 4 months abstinent from substance misuse”



“My life had been ruled and ruined by booze for decades…”

…”Today, I am a work in progress, but I am beginning to regain trust, and I am once again becoming the dependable and honest person I was always meant to be.”



“I started using drugs to be part of the cool kids but mostly to fill this void that I had for my mother…”

…”the house mates I have are true friends and I couldn’t think of anyone else better to be doing this journey with.”


Stories of Divorce, Rejection, & Codependency

“Very quickly we found that those small cracks in our relationship, became huge chasms, as my world started to open up and his world slowly became diminished…”

…”I have been given a second chance at life and this new life now has purpose and meaning far greater than anything I ever believed it would.”



As I grew up my childhood had a lot more downs than ups – I was sexually and physically abused and generally made to feel useless.…”

…”I am more confident, relaxed, I know I have plenty of support and I’m able to give a little bit of support to people who are in the same position as I was.”


who is leanne percival at adullam programme

The fun, exciting and secure relationship quickly became bullying, controlling and slowly chipped away at my self-esteem…”

…”After working through years of hurts and negative patterns of behaviour I’ve been able to step out of past fears and begin the journey to adopt a little one of my own



“All the time we were together the marriage was not good and a traumatic event eventually ended the marriage and brought our relationship to an end…”

…”Adullam has given me tools and different ways of thinking that has also helped me and my mood and now I have more confidence around other people.”


Stories of Depression, Anxiety, & Low Self-Confidence

who is leanne percival at adullam programme

Everything I am facing is so demanding
I’ve no idea whether I’m sinking or standing
I can look focussed but I’m stuck in a daze
Wondering how all this mess can be erased


I was often afraid and in fear. I retreated, closed down and found my unhealthy coping mechanisms…”

“I learnt how to understand myself better, how to be kinder to myself and that I wasn’t the only person to feel like this or to have gone through an experience like this…”


From the second I awake
I already know the route my day will take.
It is always the same.
I try to think that maybe it will different today
in some way.



 I became worn down and this led me to a point of depression, anxiety lack of confidence and low self esteem which I have never experienced before.…”

…”there is nothing I can do to control other people’s actions towards me I can only control the way that I act towards them.


Reaching Out

We are so thankful for your generosity that allows us to bring help in so many different ways.  Your giving makes a difference!

Christmas Giving

We had the great privilege of providing Christmas gifts for the residents at Littledale Hall Therapeutic Centre, some of whom would otherwise not receive anything. This was an especially difficult Christmas due to COVID-19 and so even the smallest gestures go a really long way. 

We’d like to say a big thank you to those who gave financially plus Booths Scotforth, ASDA Lancaster, Sainsbury’s Lancaster, Sedbergh Soap Company and Fab Furnishings for their donations of gifts and food that made the presents extra special – Everyone should have something to open on Christmas Day!

“I’m so grateful for your kind gifts we received at Christmas, such a wonderful thought”